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The last couple of years have imposed several changes upon most of us. My life has certainly undergone several events that have slowed down my output. My next book has, in fact, been a project I've worked on for over twenty years. However, I'm now very pleased that I didn't rush into print at the turn of the millennium. Let me explain.

Looking back on the departing 1900s, it struck me that the 20th century bombarded the church in Britain (and elsewhere) with changes and challenges every bit as great as those of the Reformation era (with which I have become reasonably familiar). As it happened, I was personally involved with several of them as a member of the C of E General Synod and other bodies, so I set about chronicling events such as Vatican II, the ordination of women, the charismatic movement, etc,, etc., all of which took place against the background of two World Wars, economic recession, the loss of empire, revolutionary technical developments, etc., etc. Having completed a 400 page MS – I shelved it. Why?

Because I was too close to it all. A historian needs two things. The first is access to primary source material available in writing or direct persona contact. But the second, equally important, requirement is distance. Closeness to events results in distortion. Only the passage of time provides essential opportunity for reflection. The book that I eventually wrote was more concise and, I believe, better balanced and more readable. It's called, In the Rear-view Mirror – British Christianity 1919-1999.